
You can book your tee time online or if you prefer to speak with a golf associate, please call 616-675-7345.

2025 RatesDay9 Hole18 Hole
General Mon - Thurs $35 $60
  Friday - Sunday $38 $65
Seniors (60+) Mon - Thurs $30 $48
  Friday - Sunday $38 $60
Juniors (14-) Mon - Thurs $30 $48
  Friday - Sunday $38 $60

All prices include golf cars and are subject to change. 

**We do not allow single player tee times**

If you book a threesome or foursome, you must show up with a minimum of three players and maximum of four. If you only show up with two players when booking either three or four, you will be charged for three players.

No shows will be charged 

If the number of players change you must call 24 hours ahead of time to adjust.

For more information please call 616-675-7345.

16030 Barber Creek Ave
Kent City, MI 49330
(866) 930-7344